News Archive

29 July 2024
HPS Returns to Madison

Mike Lewandowski, FHPS, CHP, Local Arrangements Committee

The International Radiation Protection Agency (IRPA) 16th International Congress and 69th Health Physics Society (HPS) Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, in July was an incredible event. Not only was the meeting one of the largest in the past decade, one-third of the attendees were from outside the United States. This provided a great opportunity to meet our colleagues from all over the world during a week of high-quality technical presentations in a wonderful setting. While we still celebrate the success of that meeting, it's not too early to look forward to next year's HPS annual meeting.

In eleven short months we'll return to Madison, Wisconsin, for the 70th HPS Annual Meeting. We last met in Wisconsin in 2013, and it was a fantastic meeting in a beautiful setting. Although there will be no palm trees (or alligators), Madison is just as beautiful as Orlando and has a cooler climate. At next year's meeting it will be much more comfortable to get outside and enjoy dozens of restaurants and shops, numerous galleries and museums, and two picturesque lakes within walking distance of the conference hotel and convention center. The North Central Chapter and the Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) are looking forward to welcoming you to Madison whether this is your first time to visit or if you've been here many times before. We'll be bringing you monthly Health Physics News articles to intrigue you with a handful of the reasons to visit Madison.

Our partners at Destination Madison have created a welcome video to get you excited about visiting Madison. Mark your calendar right now for 13–17 July 2025 to attend the 70th HPS Annual Meeting in Madison. If you have questions, feel free to contact our LAC Cochairs Jessica Joyce and Jason Rusch.