News Archive

28 June 2024
IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting: It's Time!

Kevin Nelson, IRPA VP for Congress Affairs, IRPA 16 Organizing Committee Chair


As I write this piece for the newsletter, IRPA 16 is only about a week away. I truly hope Health Physics Society (HPS) members take advantage of this unique opportunity to attend an IRPA International Congress. We have had over 880 abstracts submitted from 67 countries. Two hundred twenty (220) oral presentations covering 11 main areas will be presented as well as over 450 posters. The world is smaller than you think, and this is a chance to discuss common issues with our radiation protection colleagues from around the world. Astronaut Norman Thagard will be providing the Landauer Lecture at the Monday morning plenary. Scientists from the International Commission on Radiological Protection, National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, International Atomic Energy Agency, World Health Organization, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, and other radiation protection organizations will be giving presentations throughout the week. This will be the first time in 51 years that an IRPA International Congress has been held in the United States. Who knows when this opportunity will avail itself again?

Fifty-one years ago, as the US was about to host its first IRPA International Congress in 1973, my counterpart at the time, Claire C. Palmiter, wrote an article for the newsletter titled "IRPA – What Is in It for Us." The article concludes with a quote from then HPS Past President W.T. Ham:

"The question is not 'what is in it for us' but rather 'will such a move improve the status of radiation protection throughout the world.' It is the firm belief of the [HPS] Board of Directors and of prominent health physicists in other countries that this question can be answered in the affirmative. Furthermore, the Society would be promoting democratic principles at a time when they are badly needed in many parts of the world."

It is my belief this is still very true today.

I hope to see you in Orlando!