News Archive

30 July 2024
From the President: Thanks to All Our Volunteers

Liz Brackett, HPS President, 2023–2025

The IRPA/HPS conference has now come and gone, and I want to express my gratitude to the many dedicated volunteers who contributed to its success. It was a pleasure to reconnect with old friends and forge new connections amidst a busy schedule and I believe there will be several initiatives to come out of the meeting. I found it simultaneously invigorating and tiring! This year's meeting posed unique challenges due to the IRPA component and more than 1,200 attendees, including many international participants. There was more happening than at our typical annual meetings, necessitating extra effort and coordination. Our HPS volunteers, including Board members, selflessly devote their time with no compensation from the Society other than an occasional breakfast or snack. Kudos to all volunteers for their invaluable contributions to the conference's success!

I'd also like to add thanks to the volunteers on all our various committees. Balancing personal life, work, and volunteering is no easy feat, and your dedication is truly valued. To those who have volunteered to serve on a committee but have yet to hear back or are serving on a committee where little appears to be happening, please know that we are working on that. This year's annual priorities include an initiative to establish a process for meaningful volunteer recognition and another to establish and implement a process to provide timely feedback to members who volunteer for a committee. Thanks to all of you for your hard work and commitment!